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Beleggen in koper

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Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in koper

Bericht door nobody »

Zambia set to negotiate bigger stakes in new mining projects

Zambia is keen to negotiate larger holdings in new mining projects in order to raise its revenue and boost spending by investors on social projects, mines minister Paul Kabuswe said.

The push by Lusaka through state-owned ZCCM-IH would apply to future agreements, but does not include existing mines and should not unnerve investors, Kabuswe told Reuters.

Zambia is Africa’s second-largest copper producer after neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo and ZCCM has interests of 10% to 20% in mines including those owned by Barrick Gold, Vedanta Resources and First Quantum Minerals.

ZCCM sold a 51% stake in Mopani Copper Mines to a unit of United Arab Emirates’ International Holding Company, retaining the remainder, which previously belonged to Glencore.

“Stakes in new tenements will actually be moulded around such kind of partnerships,” Kabuswe said in an interview on Tuesday on the sidelines of the Africa Mining Indaba.

“We want to make sure that there is win-win, that there is no slave-master relationship and we also want to make sure that there’s social impact,” he added.

While Zambia’s government has set a copper production target of about 3 million metric tons within a decade, output has been declining gradually due to challenges at some operations including Mopani and Konkola Copper Mines.

“We are going to be very strong in negotiations,” Kabuswe said. “But not too strong to the extent of scaring away potential investors.”

Lusaka also plans to start buying minerals such as copper from projects it has stakes in to trade on its own, he said.

While the details of establishing a trading house are still to be worked out, a special purpose vehicle had been approved by the Zambian cabinet, Kabuswe said.

The Zambian government is also closely following developments on First Quantum’s Panama mine and hopes the challenges the Canadian miner is facing are resolved.

First Quantum has not informed the government of any plans to sell or bring in a strategic investor, he added.

“We are looking closely,” Kabuswe said. “But looking closely not in a negative sense, but hoping that things around them can be resolved so that it doesn’t affect ourselves.”

(By Felix Njini and Veronica Brown; Editing by Alexander Smith)

https://www.mining.com/web/zambia-set-t ... -projects/

Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in koper

Bericht door nobody »

Aantal koperdiefstallen op Duits spoor licht toegenomen, wel miljoenenschade

Koperdieven hebben vorig jaar ongeveer 450 keer toegeslagen op het Duitse spoor. Volgens spoorwegbeheerder Deutsche Bahn is dat een lichte toename in vergelijking met een jaar eerder. De schade bedroeg in totaal 7 miljoen euro.

Door de diefstallen waren er op het gehele Duitse spoor ongeveer 3.200 vertraagde of uitgevallen treinen. De totale vertraging bedroeg circa 40.000 minuten.

Ook maandag waren er door koperdiefstal nog vertragingen en uitgevallen treinen op een traject van Frankfurt naar het zuidwesten van Duitsland.

De nationale spoorvervoerder zegt wel dat het aantal koperdiefstallen sterk is gedaald in vergelijking met tien jaar geleden. Toen ging het nog om 3.200 gevallen. Dat komt doordat steeds vaker andere materialen worden gebruikt in plaats van koper, bouwplaatsen beter worden beschermd en het spoor beter wordt bewaakt. Ook wordt er nauwer samengewerkt met de politie, waardoor koperdieven regelmatig op heterdaad betrapt worden.

Ook in Nederland is koperdiefstal de afgelopen jaren flink afgenomen. In 2022 telde spoorbeheerder ProRail twaalf koperdiefstallen. Tien jaar eerder werden nog ruim vijfhonderd incidenten geregistreerd. Cijfers over het afgelopen jaar zijn nog niet bekendgemaakt.

https://www.nu.nl/economie/6301275/aant ... chade.html
Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in koper

Bericht door nobody »

Zijin to expand Tibet copper mine expected to be world’s largest

China’s Zijin Mining Group announced on Friday that it is going ahead with the second phase of a major expansion at its Julong copper project in Tibet, after receiving government approval.

The permit will allow Zijin to increase the mine’s capacity to 350,000 tonnes per day by 2025. Once the Julong expansion is completed, the asset will become China’s largest single copper operation, with ore mining and processing volumes of more than 100 million tonnes a year.

Total investment required for the project has been pegged at about 17.5 billion yuan ($2.43 billion), Zijin said. It added it’s already planning to further increase production and capacity at the Tibet mine.

If the third phase of expansion is approved by local authorities, Julong could raise annual output to about 200 million tonnes, making it the largest single copper mine in the world, Zijin said.

The company, China’s largest gold miner and one of the country’s top copper producers, took control of the Julong project in 2020 and had it up and running only 18 months later.

Zijin has several assets in Tibet, including the Zhunuo copper mine, which it acquired in August 2023. It also has a controlling interest in lithium producer Lakkor Resources, and is the second-largest shareholder of Tibet-based companies Yulong Copper and Tianyuan Mining.

https://www.mining.com/zijin-to-expand- ... s-largest/
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Lid geworden op: 26 aug 2022 20:17
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Re: Beleggen in koper

Bericht door TimeIsMoney »

Morgan Stanley met hun verwachtingen over de koperprijs.
U kunt zich hier registreren en daarna de bijlage zien.

Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in koper

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VANCOUVER, BC, March 4, 2024 /CNW/ - Western Copper and Gold Corporation ("Western" or the "Company") (TSX: WRN) (NYSE American: WRN) announces it has completed its previously announced C$3 million private placement with Sandeep Singh.

Mr. Singh acquired 2,222,222 common shares at a price of C$1.35 per share for aggregate gross proceeds of approximately C$3 million.

https://finance.yahoo.com/news/western- ... 00276.html
Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in koper

Bericht door nobody »

First Quantum touts interest in its Zambia copper operations

First Quantum Minerals Ltd. has attracted interest from multiple parties wanting to buy a minority stake in its Zambian copper operations, as the Canadian miner continues efforts to shore up its balance sheet.

First Quantum has signed non-disclosure agreements with several groups interested in the Zambian assets and expects to soon provide access to a data room for due diligence, said First Quantum chairman Robert Harding. He didn’t specify details about the parties or a timeline for signing a potential deal.

“We’re busy getting the data room available for people to be able to look at the data, but there isn’t a specific timeframe,” Harding said in an interview on Monday in Toronto. “It’ll take whatever it takes for those other organizations to go through the data room and make decisions, and come back to us with potential proposals.”

First Quantum has been under pressure to strengthen its balance sheet and raise cash after its flagship copper mine in Panama was shuttered last year. The firm sold about $1 billion in stock and raised $1.6 billion from a notes offering last month, and it has said it may look at selling smaller mining assets.

Harding said the company is looking for a partner in Zambia that could “perhaps take interest in that asset, but also be interested in working with us on a future project.” The firm is looking for a party that is interested in exploring and developing greenfield mining projects globally, he said.

(By Jacob Lorinc)

https://www.mining.com/web/first-quantu ... perations/
Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in koper

Bericht door nobody »

China's top copper smelters agree on rare joint production cuts

(March 13): Chinese top copper smelters on Wednesday came to a rare agreement to jointly embark on production cuts at some loss-making plants as they seek to cope with a shortage of raw material, according to sources with knowledge of the plans.

There were no specific rates or volumes set for the cuts and each smelter will make their own assessment of reductions they want to implement, said the sources who were not authorised to speak on the matter and declined to be identified.

The agreement, made at a meeting in Beijing, comes as fees to process copper concentrate on the spot market have dropped to their lowest in more than a decade.

Chinese top producers Jiangxi Copper, Tongling Nonferrous Metals Group, Jinchuan Group and China Copper did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Chinese smelters have been rapidly expanding their capacity over the past year to get ahead of an expected surge in copper demand from sectors related to the green energy transition such as electric vehicles or wind and solar energy.

But several mine disruptions globally, including the shutdown of the big Cobre mine in Panama owned by First Quantum, have meant copper concentrate is now in short supply.

Spot copper treatment charges (TCs) in China tumbled to US$11.20 per metric ton on Friday, representing a 76% drop in just two months and the lowest level since 2013, when pricing rating agency Fastmarkets started publishing the weekly index.

"I think this is a turning point for the continued sharp decline in spot TC/RCs over the last few months," said Brian Peng, a copper analyst at research and consultancy firm CRU.

Cutting production and extending maintenance shutdowns would help to ease tightness in concentrate supply over the coming months, he said.

"But it's important to note that there are around 1.7 million tons per year new ex-China smelter projects that is expected to come online in the second half, which will put more pressure on global concentrate supply," Peng added.

The sources also said that other measures, including using more copper blister in production to lower consumption of copper ore concentrate, were also discussed during the meeting.

Top smelters, acknowledging the shortages, proposed production cuts in a meeting in January but no action took place, according to people familiar with the matter.

China's refined copper output in the first two months this year climbed 9.2% to 1.75 million metric tons, according to a survey by research house Antaike of 22 producers covering over 80% of China's total capacity.

Imports of copper concentrate came in at 4.66 million tons for the first two months of the year, up 0.6% compared to the same period a year earlier, customs data showed.

The most-traded copper contract on the Shanghai Futures Exchange SCFcv1 hit a 22-month high on Wednesday following the news.


Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in koper

Bericht door nobody »

Raw materials squeeze jolts copper out of its torpor

The copper market has awoken from its year-long slumber.

London Metal Exchange (LME) copper surged by 3.1% on Wednesday, breaking out of its long-standing range. The move extended on Thursday morning to an eleven-month high of $8,976.50 per metric ton.

The trigger for the price break-out is news that China’s copper smelters have agreed to curb output in response to a much tighter-than-expected raw materials market.

Spot treatment charges, which are the fees smelters earn for converting mined concentrates into metal, have collapsed in recent weeks as too many buyers chase too little material.

As the world’s largest buyer of concentrates, China is particularly exposed to the resulting squeeze on smelter margins.

China’s collective reaction has turned the market’s attention from weak global demand to copper’s stressed supply dynamics.

But to what extent it translates into less refined metal supply remains to be seen.

Concentrates squeeze

Smelter treatment charges say a lot about what’s happening in the upstream segment of copper’s supply chain and right now they’re flashing red warning lights.

Spot charges in China tumbled to $11.20 per ton last week, a near 76% drop in just two months and the lowest level since 2013, according to price reporting agency Fastmarkets.

The implosion in processing fees speaks to an acute shortfall of concentrates in the spot market.

The unexpected closure of First Quantum’s Cobre Panama mine at the end of last year has blown a 350,000-ton hole in China’s copper supply chain.

Some Chinese producers are insulated by annual supply deals, which were priced at a benchmark treatment charge of $80 per ton for this year’s shipments.

Others, particularly newer operators, are more dependent on spot supply and have evidently been scrambling to buy replacement tonnage, chasing treatment charges down to unprofitable levels.

In January China’s Nonferrous Metals Industry Association (CNIA) advised, opens new tab the country’s copper smelters they needed “to bring maintenance ahead of schedule or extend the maintenance time, to cut production and to postpone the commencement of new projects.”

Which is what they agreed to do this week at a well-flagged meeting to discuss the unfolding crisis. The collective commitment to curb output is intended to safeguard the “healthy development of (the) global copper smelting industry”, according to state research company Antaike.

Too many smelters
There are no quotas for production cuts among the 19 Chinese operators at this week’s rare meeting. Rather, each producer will make their own assessment of what needs to be done.

In some cases the action has already likely been taken with maintenance downtime brought forward and unprofitable lines shuttered.

An average 11.5% of global smelting capacity was off-line in the first two months of this year, according to Earth-i, which uses satellite imagery to monitor plant activity rates. This is up from 8.6% last year and 8.0% in January-February 2022.

Tellingly, inactive capacity in top producer China averaged 8.3% this year, up from 4.8% last year, a much sharper jump than in the rest of the world.

Some Chinese producers, it seems, either voluntarily heeded the CNIA’s January call for sector restraint or were forced to by market reality.

Moreover, any promised curbs to output must be seen in the context of China’s rapid build-out of copper smelting capacity.

Treatment charges reflect not just the state of mine supply but also the volume of smelter demand.

China started up 780,000 tons of annual smelter capacity last year with another net 150,000 tons due this year, according to analysts at Macquarie Bank. (“Commodities Comment,” Jan. 16, 2024)

Macquarie estimates another two million tonnes of new or expanded capacity is also due to ramp up outside of China this year, increasing the pressure on concentrates availability.

Freeport McMoRan’s new Indonesian smelter, for example, will at full capacity soak up 1.7 million tons of concentrates, material that until now has been available for export.

The dramatic collapse in processing fees is as much a function of this new call on raw materials as it is of mine supply problems.

Sentiment shifts

China’s production restraint may slow but is unlikely to reverse the country’s recent rapid output growth.

The country’s production of refined copper jumped by an eye-watering 13.5% year-on-year to 12.99 million tons in 2023, according to the National Bureau of Statistics.

And while analysts have adjusted their market balance estimates to factor in recent mine losses, most still think the refined market will be in supply surplus this year, albeit to a smaller extent than previously thought.

But market sentiment has palpably shifted.

The weak state of global manufacturing activity, not least in China, has kept copper locked in a sideways trading range for much of the last year.

Macro drivers, particularly interest rate expectations, have dominated the choppy price action.

The concentrates squeeze has refocused attention on copper’s micro dynamics of stretched supply and chronic under-investment in new mines.

Copper’s bull narrative has just been reactivated, even if China’s collective commitment to curb output may promise more than it delivers.

(The opinions expressed here are those of the author, Andy Home, a columnist for Reuters.)

https://www.mining.com/web/column-raw-m ... ts-torpor/
Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in koper

Bericht door nobody »

Antofagasta secures $2.5 billion for Centinela copper mine expansion

Chilean miner Antofagasta (LON: ANTO) has secured $2.5 billion to finance a second concentrator at its Centinela copper mine in the country’s north, which will add 144,000 tonnes a year to the company’s overall production.

The miner said on Tuesday it had inked signed definitive agreements with a group of international lenders, including the Japan Bank for International Cooperation, Export Development Canada, the Export-Import Bank of Korea and several commercial lenders for the term loan. The financing has a four-year drawdown period and a 12-year term, Antofagasta said.

“The Centinela Second Concentrator project is a prime example of how Antofagasta can unlock value from its portfolio and our dedication to sustainable and responsible copper production,” chief executive Ivan Arriaga said in the statement.

The company has also signed a separate agreement granting Centinela the option to obtain water for its current and future operations from an international consortium. This group would acquire Centinela’s existing water supply system and extend it to serve the second concentrator. The international consortium is in the process of finalizing its financing to fulfill this agreement within the year.

As part of this deal, Centinela will transfer its current water transportation assets and rights for about $600 million to be received in 2024. The consortium will handle the construction and related capital expenses amounting to $380 million for the planned expansion of the water transportation system.

The $4.4 billion second concentrator at Centinela, whose construction was approved in December 2023, is expected to start operations in 2027.

https://www.mining.com/antofagasta-secu ... expansion/
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Lid geworden op: 26 aug 2022 20:17
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Re: Beleggen in koper

Bericht door TimeIsMoney »

Koper bereikt vandaag het hoogste punt in 11 maanden.
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