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Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in voeding

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Tetra Pak launches eco-friendly Tetra Prisma Aseptic 300 Edge beverage carton

UK – Tetra Pak has announced a new partnership with a European soft drinks brand to launch the Tetra Prisma Aseptic 300 Edge beverage carton, aimed at appealing to younger consumers and dynamic adults.

The packaging features a distinct, ergonomic design that aligns with the modern consumer preference for taller and slimmer cartons.

The Tetra Prisma Aseptic 300 Edge is engineered to minimize product waste through its unique design.

The slanted top of the carton, combined with a DreamCap 26 Pro tethered closure, effectively prevents litter by keeping the cap attached to the package, allowing consumers to recycle both the cap and the carton through kerbside collection, enhancing sustainability efforts.

In a bid to reduce its environmental impact, the European juice brand incorporated a renewable material share of over 85 percent in the carton’s production.

According to Tetra Pak, this initiative contributes to 76 percent reduction in the carton’s carbon footprint.

The package is made from paperboard sourced from Forest Stewardship Council-certified forests, combined with plant-based polymers derived from responsibly sourced sugarcane.

Tetra Pak confirmed that the new carton is compatible with the latest Tetra Pak A3/CompactFlex filling machine, as well as existing lines with a straightforward upgrade.

This advancement increases packaging configurations on a single filling machine to five, facilitating rapid switching between various packaging sizes and opening systems for improved production efficiency.

The Tetra Prisma Aseptic 300 Edge is suitable for a wide range of on-the-go beverages, including dairy products, juices, and functional drinks.

Francesco Faella, Vice President for the ambient business sector at Tetra Pak, stated, “By collaborating with a leading European juice brand and launching the Tetra Prisma Aseptic 300 Edge, we are answering the industry’s call for added flexibility and stylish design options to help brands stand out on the shelf.”

Tetra Pak appoints EVP

Recently, Tetra Pak recent appointed Sara De Simoni as Executive Vice President for Development & Technology, effective September 1, 2024.

With over 24 years of experience at Tetra Pak, De Simoni will play a pivotal role in driving innovation within the company.

She will be based in Lausanne, Switzerland, and will be a member of the Tetra Pak Executive Leadership Team, reporting to Adolfo Orive, President & CEO.

https://www.foodbusinessafrica.com/tetr ... ge-carton/

Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in voeding

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Hormel Foods introduces oven-ready thick-cut bacon

USA – Hormel Foods Corp. has rolled out a new addition to its Hormel Black Label lineup: the Oven Ready Thick Cut bacon.

The product, designed for convenience, comes in an oven-safe tray and offers consumers eight fully cooked slices of thick-cut bacon.

Aly Sill, senior brand manager for Hormel Black Label Bacon, stated that the company’s goal was to simplify the cooking process for their well-known bacon product.

“Our oven-ready bacon makes it easier for customers to enjoy the signature flavor of Hormel Black Label Bacon without the hassle,” Sill said.

The product requires only a preheated oven and about 20 minutes of cooking time to achieve the desired level of crispiness.

The included disposable tray minimizes cleanup after cooking, adding another layer of convenience.

According to Hormel, the bacon is versatile enough for use in a variety of meals, including breakfast, snacks, or as a topping for other dishes.

Hormel Black Label Oven Ready Thick Cut Bacon is currently available at select retailers across the country, with plans for wider distribution in 2025.

This news comes a few weeks after partnering with Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Hormel Foods launched a new product combining its Black Label Bacon with the cereal’s signature “Cinnadust” seasoning.

This sweet-and-savory creation features thick-cut bacon hand-rubbed with a cinnamon-sugar mix, which is left overnight to enhance the flavors.

The limited-edition bacon will be available at select Walmart stores starting September 16.

Hormel Foods Corp., based in Austin, Minnesota, is a global food company with annual revenues exceeding US$12 billion.

In its third-quarter fiscal 2024 report, Hormel Foods posted earnings per share (EPS) of US$0.40, falling short of market expectations.

The company also recorded a 2.3% decline in net sales, amounting to US$2.96 billion, and a net income of US$162.7 million for the quarter.

Despite aligning with EPS projections, Hormel’s quarterly revenue of US$2.9 billion missed analysts’ estimates, representing a 2.2% decrease.

Following the disappointing financial results, Hormel’s stock dropped by over 7%, contributing to the company’s negative performance for the year.

In response, the company revised its full-year revenue forecast, reducing it to a range of US$11.8 billion to US$12.1 billion, down from the previous projection of US$12.2 billion to US$12.5 billion.

https://www.foodbusinessafrica.com/horm ... cut-bacon/
Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in voeding

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US pork exports to South Korea grow by 16% in 2024

KOREA – US pork exports to South Korea totaled 13,674 metric tons in July, marking a 16% increase from the previous year, as indicated by USDA data compiled by the US Meat Export Federation (USMEF).

The export value reached US$49.2 million, which is a 30% rise.

During the first seven months of 2024, exports to South Korea have reached 149,093 metric tons, a substantial increase of 31% year-on-year, with the total value rising 37% to US$508.9 million.

This trend suggests that pork shipments to South Korea may set new annual records this year.

Pork holds a prominent place in South Korean cuisine, making the country one of the largest pork importers globally.

In 2022, the average pork consumption per capita was approximately 28.5 kilograms, an increase of 3.3% from 2021.

The popularity of pork is evident in its representation of about 43% of total meat consumption in South Korea, with an estimated retail sales value of US$9.2 billion.

From 2019 to 2023, South Korea experienced a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.7% for pork imports.

Among the notable segments within this market is fresh pork, which recorded a CAGR of 17.8% during the same period.

Canada has consistently ranked among the top three pork suppliers to South Korea since 2019, contributing between 9% and 13% of total pork imports.

Pork is widely incorporated into South Korean dishes, including popular items like Sangyeopsal (grilled pork belly) and Jeyuk Bokkeum (spicy pork stir-fry).

The rise in single-person households has contributed to the growth of the home meal replacement market, driving a gradual increase in the use of processed meats in these products.

The market experienced a significant surge in sales, rising from US$1.28 billion in 2016 to US$1.88 billion in 2017, with packaged pork and seasoned processed meats being key components.

Approximately 90% of the meat in these products is sourced from imports.

https://www.foodbusinessafrica.com/us-p ... 6-in-2024/
Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in voeding

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Malaysia to import 100,000 tonnes of rice, US$200m worth of halal meat annually from Pakistan

KUALA LUMPUR (Oct 4): Malaysia will import 100,000 tonnes of basmati rice, as well as buy US$200 million worth of halal meat annually from Pakistan, according to state news agency Associated Press of Pakistan (APP).

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif assured Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim that Pakistan would not compromise on the quality of halal meat to be exported, the APP reported late on Thursday (Oct 3). Anwar will “address the discrepancies in the import of Pakistan’s rice” into Malaysia, he reportedly said.

The meeting between Anwar and Shehbaz also discussed the enhancement of trade and investment, as well as explored avenues of further cooperation in defence, tourism, agriculture, green energy, skilled labour and youth empowerment, the news agency said.

Anwar’s visit to Pakistan marks his first official visit since taking office in November 2022, and the first official meeting between the two prime ministers.

Malaysia already has a free trade agreement with Pakistan. Total trade between the two countries stood at RM7.84 billion in 2023, covering palm oil, apparel, textiles, chemical and chemical-based products, and electrics and electronic products.

Pakistan was Malaysia’s 35th largest trading partner, 31st largest export destination, and 41st largest import source. Pakistan is also Malaysia’s third largest trading partner among the South Asian countries.

“Both sides were unanimous in believing that the two countries would collectively find new heights in trade and investment cooperation for a bright future for [the] two nations,” the APP reported Shehbaz as saying.

Anwar meanwhile was cited by the APP as saying that Malaysia and Pakistan have agreed on “a number of matters”, and that follow-up discussions would be held in the upcoming joint commission meeting in Kuala Lumpur this month, to ensure swift implementation of the decisions.

The Malaysian trade office would also be opened in Karachi soon, to strengthen economic collaboration between the two countries, Anwar was cited as saying by the APP at a joint press stakeout, following their one-on-one meeting and delegation-level talks.

Malaysia is seeking more skilled labour in various sectors, including information technology (IT), artificial intelligence (AI), and semiconductors, and Pakistan could also be a source for such skilled labour, Anwar reportedly said.

Uploaded by Liza Shireen Koshy


Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in voeding

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Vleesvervanger mag van Europees hof worst, biefstuk of hamburger heten

Hamburgers, steaks en worst zijn namen die niet alleen maar aan vleesproducten voorbehouden zijn. Dat concludeerde het Europese Hof van Justitie vrijdag na een Franse rechtszaak.

De zaak was aangespannen door het bedrijf Beyond Meat, dat vleesvervangers maakt, en drie organisaties voor vegetariërs. Zij maakten bezwaar tegen een regel die Frankrijk vorig jaar had ingevoerd.

Volgens die regel mogen woorden als 'biefstuk' en 'worst' alleen worden gebruikt voor vlees, en niet voor vegetarische producten. De makers van zulk eten mochten er ook geen woorden als 'plantaardig' of 'soja' voor zetten om het verschil met vlees duidelijk te maken.

De klagers zeiden dat dat in strijd is met Europese regels, en ze krijgen nu gelijk van de Europese rechters. "Lidstaten kunnen niet met een algemeen en abstract verbod voorkomen dat de makers van plantaardig eten beschrijvende namen gebruiken voor hun producten", staat in het oordeel. Landen mogen alleen handhaven en een fabrikant vervolgen wanneer er sprake kan zijn van misleiding.

In Nederland kwam de discussie over namen van vegetarisch eten op gang in 2012, toen CDA-Kamerlid Jaco Geurts bezwaar maakte tegen het gebruik van namen als 'burgers' en 'schnitzels'. Het leidde tot de term 'schnitzelgate', waarna ook onder meer De Vegetarische Slager een aantal aanpassingen deed.

Sojaproducten mogen nog steeds geen zuivelnamen krijgen, oordeelde het EU-hof al in 2017. Room, kaas, boter en melk zijn namelijk beschermde namen. De Nederlandse fabrikant van het plantaardige boterachtige product Droomboter paste daarom de naam aan na een waarschuwing van waakhond NVWA.

https://www.nu.nl/economie/6330559/vlee ... heten.html
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Lid geworden op: 23 jan 2022 19:26
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Re: Beleggen in voeding

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Nov 14, 2024 - Trudeau’s $9 million bet on edible crickets runs into trouble
The world's largest cricket factory, funded in large part by federal monies, enters extended retooling (...)
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