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Beleggen in Gas

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Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in Gas

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Van der Straeten wil Europees verbod op import Russische lng

Tinne Van der Straeten (Groen), minister van Energie in de ontslagnemende federale regering, pleit donderdag voor een Europees verbod op de invoer van vloeibaar aardgas (lng) uit Rusland.

Private importeurs kunnen alleen onder hun langetermijncontracten uitkomen als de Europese Unie nieuwe sancties neemt, zegt ze in een gesprek met de Britse krant Financial Times.

Net voor de zomer kwamen de 27 EU-landen overeen om de overslag van Russische lng op Europees grondgebied te verbieden. Na een overgangsperiode van negen maanden zal het vanaf maart 2025 verboden zijn om in Europese havens lng uit Rusland over te laden op andere schepen of in vaste installaties. De bedoeling is om de inkomsten die Rusland uit de verkoop en het vervoer van lng haalt te verminderen.

De invoer van Russische lng wordt echter niet verboden, maar als het van federaal minister Van der Straeten afhangt, wordt daar binnenkort wel degelijk werk van gemaakt. Het ontbreekt bedrijven die Europese havens zoals die van Zeebrugge gebruiken nog steeds aan een juridische basis om hun contracten stop te zetten, betoogt de minister.

Zulke contracten voor de levering van lng hebben doorgaans een looptijd van meer dan tien jaar en dateren vaak van voor de start van de oorlog in Oekraïne in 2022. "We hebben dit bekeken", zegt Van der Straeten. "Er komt Russisch gas in België binnen. Ik heb elke steen omgedraaid en de gas(wetgeving) helpt niet. We hebben een Europese aanpak nodig."

https://www.msn.com/nl-be/nieuws/politi ... 83b3&ei=43

Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in Gas

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Singapore LNG demand set to jump on AI, data centre boom

(Sept 27): Singapore will see a short-term increase in liquefied natural gas demand, due in part to the AI boom that’s driving data centre growth, according to the country’s state-owned importer of the fuel.

The digital world “is a huge call on energy,” said Singapore LNG Corp chief executive officer Leong Wei Hung. The surge in demand is a “boon for energy,” but there’s also a flip side “in the sense that you can’t build infrastructure fast enough,” he said in an interview late Thursday.

The boom in data centres and artificial intelligence is starting to outstrip available power supply in some parts of the world. Tech giants like Amazon Inc and Microsoft Corp are pledging to invest billions of dollars in data centers in Southeast Asia. Singapore’s government is aiming to increase the amount of power it allocates for data centers by as much as 35%.

Singapore LNG was formed in 2009 by the country’s Energy Market Authority to develop and operate the city-state’s only LNG import terminal. A second terminal “to meet the expected demand,” is set to come online by the end of the decade, Leong said.

The jump in electricity consumption will make it tougher for Singapore to decarbonise its grid. It relies on imported gas for around 95% of its electricity, but its options to develop renewables are constrained by a lack of space. Instead, the city-state is aiming to import green power from its neighbours, and has a goal to bring in six gigawatts by 2035, which would be around half of overall demand.

Leong said he was optimistic that LNG would have a continued role to play in Singapore as the world moved toward cleaner sources of energy.

“The world must go toward renewables, but the cost of renewables is still very high,” he said. “While we wait for renewables to be reasonably priced, LNG has to be the solution.”

Uploaded by Magessan Varatharaja

Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in Gas

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International Consortium Secures Work on LNG Scheme off Mozambique

McDermott, through a consortium with Saipem and China Petroleum Engineering and Construction Corporation, has been awarded a front-end engineering design (FEED) contract for the Rovuma LNG Phase 1 project in Mozambique.

The project is a joint venture between ExxonMobil Development Africa, Eni and CNODC Dutch Cooperatief.

Rovuma LNG Phase 1 includes liquefaction and export of natural gas extracted from the Offshore Area 4 fields off the Afungi Peninsula in Mozambique.

The FEED contract scope of work includes the modular design of a greenfield LNG production facility in Afungi, all associated gas pre-treatment units and the utilities and offsite systems to support the LNG production.

The plant will have an overall production capacity of 18 million tons per annum (MTPA). The scope of work also includes the engineering, procurement and construction proposal.

"LNG helps shape an entirely new era of energy solutions and McDermott plays a significant role in this global shift with more than 60 years of LNG experience.

"McDermott is well established in Mozambique and can apply this knowledge and experience to continue the country's industrial, social and economic development,” said Rob Shaul, Senior Vice President of McDermott's Low Carbon Solutions business.

https://www.oedigital.com/news/517574-i ... mozambique
Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in Gas

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SLB, Patterson-UTI, and ADNOC JV to Accelerate $1.7B Drilling Campaign in Abu Dhabi

ADNOC Drilling, SLB and Patterson-UTI have created a joint venture dubbed Turnwell Industries to accelerate the 144-well drilling campaign as part of unconventional oil and gas exploration program in Abu Dhabi, set for delivery by the fourth quarter of 2025.

Focused on the United Arab Emirate’s world-class unconventional energy resources, post completion of the JV, ADNOC Drilling through its wholly owned subsidiary ADH RSC LTD will hold a 55% majority equity stake, SLB a 30% equity stake and Patterson-UTI the remaining 15% equity stake.

Turnwell was established to be the unconventionals drilling arm of ADNOC Drilling and execute a $1.7 billion contract, awarded to ADNOC Drilling, to provide drilling and associated services to deliver 144 unconventional oil and gas wells.

SLB will provide integrated drilling, stimulation and completion services, as well as project management, digital capabilities and subsurface support as part of the venture.

The economic impact of the acceleration will benefit ADNOC Drilling’s 2025 earnings as well as its long-term growth through the potential acceleration of phase two with thousands of wells.

“Today marks a defining moment for Turnwell and our key partners SLB, and Patterson UTI. The acceleration of the well program, is a testament to the innovation, collaboration, and pursuit of excellence that will define our joint venture.

“Turnwell will not only unlock the immense potential of the UAE's world-class unconventional energy resources but will also set new benchmarks for the global energy industry. We are proud to lead the way in responsibly shaping the future of energy, both in the UAE and beyond,” said Abdulrahman Abdulla Al Seiari, Chief Executive Officer, ADNOC Drilling.

To achieve this accelerated timeline, Turnwell has adopted batch drilling, a method that improves efficiency and reduces costs.

Additionally, Gordon Technologies, a market-leading provider of Measurement While Drilling (MWD) technology and an Enersol company, will support the delivery of these wells. MWD technology reduces drilling time, improves well-bore quality, and increases overall drilling efficiency.

Enersol, a technology-focused investment JV between ADNOC Drilling and Alpha Dhabi Holdings, acquired a 67.2% stake in Gordon Technologies.

"We are proud to join forces with ADNOC Drilling in this strategic partnership that demonstrates SLB’s leading position in the region deploying innovative digital, drilling and completion technologies in developing unconventional energy resources.

“UAE’s unconventional energy assets hold a promising future, and we are very much looking forward to elevating their performance in a safe and sustainable way,” said Tarek Rizk, SLB’s president for the Middle East and North Africa region.

https://www.oedigital.com/news/517612-s ... -abu-dhabi

Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in Gas

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LNG traders choose to pay rather than shipping to Germany

(Oct 2): Some liquefied natural gas (LNG) traders are opting to pay fees for supplies they initially intended to send to Germany in order to chase higher profits in Asia, according to the nation’s state-owned terminal operator.

“There are two, three cargoes that have not come recently, where you can see traders saying, ‘Oh, I’ll pay the fee for the terminal, but I’d rather go to Asia,’” said Peter Röttgen, managing director of Deutsche Energy Terminal GmbH. Demand for the ultra-chilled gas has jumped in the region ahead of winter.

While Germany has ample fuel stockpiles as it heads into the heating season, the development shows how easily it can be left without cargoes when demand in other regions soars. BloombergNEF estimates that US LNG exports for the coming months are currently more profitable to Asia than to Europe.

Germany has tried to avoid cargo diversions by including a delivery obligation in some of its contracts, with a fine corresponding to around 1% of an LNG cargo’s value. The operator also charges a regasification fee in take-or-pay contracts, even if supplies haven’t been delivered.

The country relies on a number of global suppliers — mostly from the US — to meet its fuel needs after Russia curbed pipeline flows during the energy crisis, and the development highlights the nation’s risky reliance on divertable supplies.

In a further sign of the limited appetite among traders to send cargoes to Germany, a June tender for LNG capacity at the state-chartered terminals didn’t sell anything, Röttgen said at a Handelsblatt conference in Berlin on Tuesday. He attributed those results to the very high price set by Deutsche Energy Terminal, which it did for “competitive reasons.”

Uploaded by Felyx Teoh

Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in Gas

Bericht door nobody »

Aker BP Confirms Gas Discovery in Norwegian Sea

Aker BP has proven gas in an appraisal well in the Norwegian Sea, confirming also the size of previous discoveries made in 2022.

The 6507/2-7 S well, located around 12 kilometers west of the Skarv field, was drilled to confirm the size of the previous discoveries made in 2022 in 6507/2-6 - Storjo East and Kaneljo in Jurassic and Cretaceous reservoir rocks, respectively.

Preliminary estimates place the size of the discoveries between 2 and 8.7 million standard cubic meters (Sm3) of recoverable oil equivalent in the primary exploration target. This corresponds to around 13-55 million barrels of oil equivalent.

In the secondary exploration target, the preliminary estimate is between 1.3-1.8 million Sm3 of recoverable oil equivalent, which corresponds to around 8-12 million barrels of oil equivalent.

Aker BP is the operator of production license 261 with Wintershall Dea (Harbour Energy) as the other licensee.

The licensees will consider tying the discoveries back to existing infrastructure in the area.

The appraisal well was drilled by Odfjell Drilling’s Deepsea Nordkapp rig, which will proceed to production license 932 where Aker BP is the operator.

https://www.oedigital.com/news/517714-a ... wegian-sea
Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in Gas

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World gas use to hit record in 2025 amid fight for LNG, IEA says

(Oct 3): Global demand for natural gas will hit an all-time high next year as competition for seaborne fuel intensifies between Asia and Europe, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA).

After a drop in imports this year, Europe will need more liquefied natural gas in 2025, tightening both the market and price spreads with Asia, the Paris-based agency said in a market report Thursday.

“Natural gas supply remains fundamentally tight, with uncertainties weighing on the 2025 outlook,” the IEA said.

The IEA’s forecast suggests another challenging year for Europe, where consumers are still struggling with elevated energy bills. While gas prices in the region have fallen significantly from crisis peaks in 2022, they are still higher than historic averages. Expanding geopolitical risks — from the war in Ukraine to escalating conflict in the Middle East — have underpinned prices and market volatility.

Gas consumption in Europe could decline by 2% this year compared with 2023, according to IEA forecasts. Industrial demand has recovered but remains below pre-crisis levels, while gas usage in the power sector continues to decline as renewable energy booms.

In 2025, the continent’s demand may increase by 1%, the IEA said. If Russian gas flows via Ukraine are halted next year — the IEA’s base-case scenario as a fuel-transit agreement between Moscow and Kyiv expires at the end of December — then Europe will require more LNG.

Overall, global gas consumption will climb to a record this year, before expanding further in 2025, according to the IEA. Asia will remain the main driver of growth.

Uploaded by Chng Shear Lane


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Lid geworden op: 23 jan 2022 19:26
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Re: Beleggen in Gas

Bericht door quince »

November 15, 2024 - Austria to be cut off from Russian gas from Saturday (Reuters)
Austria is one of the few European countries still dependent on Russian gas as much of the rest of the continent has reduced imports following Moscow's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022.
The volume is 7,400 megawatt hours per hour, which corresponds to approximately 5 terawatt hours (5 TWh) per month.
A deal between Moscow and Kyiv on Russian gas exports through Ukraine to Europe expires at the end of the year in any case.
The transit route supplies mainly Austria and Slovakia for Russia via Ukraine.
Kyiv has said repeatedly it will not extend the contract with Gazprom. (...)
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