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Beleggen in nikkel

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Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in nikkel

Bericht door nobody »

Sumitomo Corp net profit down 32% on Madagascar one-off loss

Japanese trading house Sumitomo Corp reported net profit for the fiscal year ended in March fell 31.7% from a year earlier to 386.4 billion yen ($2.5 billion), missing estimates, as it took a one-time loss on four businesses.

A LSEG poll of analysts had forecast Sumitomo’s net profit for the fiscal year at 504.9 billion yen.

Sumitomo booked a total of 150 billion yen one-off losses on four problematic operations, including the Ambatovy nickel project in Madagascar, which wiped off nearly a half, or 89 billion yen, from its bottom line.

“We will consider all possible options to decide the best future policy of the Ambatovy project for all stakeholders,” CEO Shingo Ueno, who took office on April 1, told a briefing on Thursday.

Asked whether an withdrawal was among the options, Ueno said Sumitomo’s immediate priority is to bring back nickel production to normal levels by fixing glitches at the plant.

“After that, we must consider all options, taking into account our economic and social responsibilities,” he said, adding that no further loss is expected from the project as it has impaired virtually all of its book value.

Sumitomo, which has been struggling to stabilise production and improve profitability at the Ambatovy, in February cut its nickel output estimate at the project.

It launched the Ambatovy project in 2005 and expects it to produce 35,000 metric tons of nickel this fiscal year.

For the year ending in March 2025, it forecast a net profit of 530 billion yen, supported by the strong performance of chemical and mineral resources business.

It also made public a three-year management plan starting in April, including a target of boosting its net profit to 650 billion yen in the year ending March 2027 and achieving a total shareholder return ratio of 40% or more.

($1 = 155.8700 yen)

(By Katya Golubkova and Yuka Obayashi; Editing by Kim Coghill and Barbara Lewis)

https://www.mining.com/web/sumitomo-cor ... -off-loss/

Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in nikkel

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Core Nickel Announces Successful Completion of 2024 Winter Drill Program at Halfway Lake Project

Proactive Investors

Core Nickel CEO Misty Urbatsch joined Steve Darling from Proactive to share exciting news about the company’s latest achievements. Core Nickel has successfully completed its 2024 winter drill program at the Halfway Lake project, located in the Thompson Nickel Belt, Manitoba. This expansive project consists of 19 mineral claims licenses, covering a total area of 4,154 hectares.

Urbatsch provided detailed insights into the drilling program, highlighting the significant progress made. The company drilled a total of 797.45 meters across three diamond drill holes during this inaugural drill campaign. Impressively, visual sulfide mineralization was intersected in all three drill holes, marking a successful start to the project.

Among the highlights, drill holes HFW-001 and HFW-002 intersected ultramafic lithologies over significant lengths of 55.6 meters and 90.9 meters, respectively. Both drill holes exhibited disseminated sulfide mineralization throughout these intervals, indicating the presence of nickel-bearing sulfides. Additionally, drill hole HFW-003 intersected 7.7 meters of intermittent sulfide mineralization, which included 4.4 meters of continuous semi-massive to massive sulfide mineralization.

Urbatsch expressed enthusiasm about these initial results, noting that the successful intersection of visual sulfide mineralization across all drill holes is a promising indicator of the project's potential. The findings from the 2024 winter drill program provide a solid foundation for future exploration and development at Halfway Lake.

Core Nickel is committed to advancing the Halfway Lake project and will continue to build on these encouraging results. The company plans to conduct further drilling and geophysical surveys to better understand the extent and grade of the sulfide mineralization. These efforts will help delineate the mineral resources and guide the development of an effective extraction strategy.

The Halfway Lake project’s strategic location in the Thompson Nickel Belt, a region known for its rich nickel deposits, enhances its significance. This belt has historically produced substantial quantities of nickel, and the promising results from Core Nickel’s drilling program suggest that Halfway Lake could contribute to the region's ongoing legacy of nickel production.

Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in nikkel

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Flinke stijging nikkelprijs door onrust Nieuw-Caledonië

De prijs van nikkel is gestegen naar het hoogste niveau sinds augustus vorig jaar door de onrust in Nieuw-Caledonië. Het Franse overzeese gebied is een belangrijke producent van nikkel en door de rellen is de productie van het metaal verstoord.

Op de Londense metaalmarkt ging de nikkelprijs vrijdag met bijna 8 procent omhoog tot boven de 21.000 dollar per ton (19.300 euro), al zakte de prijs later weer wat weg. Nikkel wordt onder meer gebruikt voor roestvrij staal en batterijen.

Vorig jaar was Nieuw-Caledonië de op twee na grootste nikkelproducent ter wereld met circa 6 procent van de totale productie.

Die productie is dit jaar geraakt door een zwakkere vraag vanuit de batterijsector, als gevolg van de afkoelende markt voor elektrische auto's. Ook zorgde een grotere nikkelproductie in Indonesië voor druk op de prijzen.

De nikkelsector is goed voor bijna een kwart van de werkgelegenheid bij bedrijven in Nieuw-Caledonië, maar door de zwakkere prijzen en hoge energiekosten hebben nikkelproducenten, waaronder Franse mijnbouwers, het daar lastig.

De rellen braken uit na een geplande wijziging van de kiesregels, waardoor Fransen die tien jaar op de eilanden wonen ook mogen stemmen in provinciale verkiezingen. Dat ligt gevoelig onder de inheemse bevolking.

De rellen gingen gepaard met plunderingen en brandstichting. Daarbij vielen ook doden en veel gewonden. Frankrijk heeft de noodtoestand afgekondigd in Nieuw-Caledonië en veiligheidstroepen ingezet om de orde te herstellen. Ook vannacht was het voor de vijfde achtereenvolgende keer onrustig.

https://www.nu.nl/economie/6313398/flin ... donie.html
Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in nikkel

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Deep-sea nickel hits battery grade for The Metals Co.

Nickel that The Metals Company mined from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean can be used in electric vehicle batteries, Geneva-based verification and inspection firm SGS says.

An SGS lab in Ontario produced high-purity nickel sulphate from polymetallic nodules, suitable for the battery chemicals market, the tester said this week.

The nickel sulphate was generated during hydrometallurgical bench-scale testing of the miner’s matte samples from their upstream pilot plant operations at SGS’s testing lab in Lakefield, Ontario. The Metals Company (TMC) hired SGS to test, confirm and optimize its onshore processing.

“The Lakefield-based extractive metallurgy team carried out a comprehensive test work program focusing on the optimization of a flowsheet producing cobalt sulfate, nickel sulfate, copper cathode and fertilizer byproducts from nickel matte samples derived from smelting TMC nodules,” Stephen Mackie, senior director of metallurgy and consulting at SGS North America, said in a release.

Sea floor rules

Ocean floor reserves of metals such as nickel, manganese and cobalt are estimated to be worth anywhere from $8 trillion to more than $16 trillion. But the UN-mandated International Seabed Authority still hasn’t issued rules governing seafloor extraction. The 169-member body is targeting next year for regulations.

TMC’s projects are ranked as the world’s first and second-largest undeveloped nickel projects, containing in situ quantities of nickel, cobalt, copper and manganese to meet the needs of 280 million electric vehicles – roughly the size of the entire US light vehicle fleet, the company says.

Scientists, however, say very little is known about the depths of the world’s oceans, and many are concerned about the impacts on these ecosystems already affected by pollution, trawling and the climate crisis.

https://www.mining.com/the-metals-compa ... -minerals/

Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in nikkel

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Lunnon Metals boosts nickel resources amid growth strategy

Proactive Investors

Lunnon Metals Ltd (ASX:LM8, OTC:LNMLF) managing director Edmund Ainscough joins Proactive’s Jonathan Jackson to discuss an 11% increase in tonnage and a 9% increase in nickel metal at the Baker Nickel Deposit, part of its Kambalda Nickel Project in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia.

The updated mineral resource estimate (MRE) is now 1 million tonnes at 3.3% nickel, containing 33,700 tonnes of nickel metal. Notably, all 33,700 tonnes are within 350 metres of the surface, facilitating easier and more cost-effective mining and extraction.

The upgrade is the result of three drilling campaigns, totalling 6,700 metres, since December 2022. According to Ainscough, the Baker deposit, characterised by high-grade, shallow-depth nickel sulphide, excellent metallurgical properties and ease of access, represents a valuable asset for Lunnon Metals. Despite prevailing negative sentiment, the company has de-risked and grown the Baker project, securing necessary permits for future mining operations.

Currently, 22,900 tonnes of nickel metal are in the indicated resource category at Baker, with an additional 3,700 tonnes classified as measured resources for the first time. The Baker-Foster project now holds a combined resource of 3.1 million tonnes at 3% nickel, translating to 95,100 tonnes of contained nickel metal.

Lunnon Metals plans to advance a pre-feasibility study for the Baker-Foster Project and develop a mining proposal for Foster, aiming for initial approval for dewatering and rehabilitation as it prepares to resume mining.

Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in nikkel

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LME nickel heads for fourth weekly drop on inventory build-up, profit-booking

HANOI (June 14): London nickel prices slipped on Friday and were on track for a fourth straight weekly loss on rising inventories and profit-booking, while tin was set for a weekly gain on tightening supply.

Three-month nickel on the London Metal Exchange (LME) edged 0.5% lower to US$17,550 per metric tonne by 0818 GMT. The contract is down 2.7% this week.

The most traded July nickel contract on the Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE) shed 1.3% to 137,010 yuan (US$18,883.35) a tonne. The contract has lost 4% this week, set for a third straight weekly drop.

SHFE nickel stocks stayed around the highest since November 2020, while LME inventories climbed to 86,664 tonnes, their highest since February 2022.

The rising stockpiles were partly due to Chinese producers ramping up output of high-grade cathodes deliverable on the LME.

Investors also booked profit since nickel prices hit the highest since August 2023 in May, said CRU analyst Tong Tong, despite improving demand from the stainless steel sector and eroding supply growth in Indonesia in the second quarter.

“The market will shift into surplus in the third quarter, as Indonesian supply grows. Fundamentally, we expect a slightly quarter-on-quarter lower price for the third quarter,” he said, as Indonesian mining quota approval accelerated.

LME tin inched up 0.6% at US$32,990 and was up 4.9% for the week.

“Monthly tin-in-concentrate shipments from Myanmar are expected to remain low for May and June,” said Tom Langston, an analyst at the International Tin Association, adding that refined tin exports from Indonesia had not rebounded strongly.

SHFE tin stocks begun to decline, and “tightening feedstock supply and expected smelter maintenance this summer could accelerate this drawdown,” Langston added.

LME copper was nearly flat at US$9,797.50 a tonne, while aluminium declined 0.4% to US$2,548, zinc dropped 1.3% to US$2,823.50, and lead edged down 0.6% at US$2,153.

SHFE copper declined 0.6% to 79,550 yuan a tonne, aluminium decreased 0.9% to 20,565 yuan, zinc shed 1% to 23,520 yuan, tin dropped 1.3% to 271,300 yuan, while lead rose 0.1% to 18,630 yuan.

Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in nikkel

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Fathom Nickel Secures Permits for Expanded Exploration at Gochager Lake Project

Proactive Investors

Fathom Nickel CEO Ian Fraser joined Steve Darling from Proactive to announce that the company has secured all necessary permits to advance its exploration activities at the Gochager Lake project. This project, which hosts an historic NI43-101 non-compliant open-pit resource consisting of 4.3 million tons at 0.295% nickel and 0.081% copper, will now see significant development.

The newly acquired permits enable Fathom Nickel to drill up to 60 drill holes and construct an all-season, 25-person camp. Additionally, the company has received permission to use temporary "fly camps" during the summer-fall field season.

These camps will support site-specific airborne geophysical anomaly follow-ups, mapping and prospecting, soil geochemistry, and site-specific geophysical surveys. The exploration permit is valid for two years, expiring in 2026.

Fraser also shared that the company mobilized field crews last week to begin a soil geochemical survey. The objective is to define a soil geochemical signature associated with the Gochager Lake deposit and use this signature to locate additional similar deposits.

Detailed mapping, prospecting, and soil geochemical sampling will focus on areas of conductivity identified through surface time-domain electromagnetic surveys conducted last season. Moreover, the company plans to conduct a detailed drone-MAG survey over the historic Gochager Lake deposit area, covering approximately 385 line-kilometers.

These advancements mark a pivotal step in Fathom Nickel's exploration strategy, underscoring the company's commitment to expanding its resource base and uncovering new mineral deposits at Gochager Lake.

Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in nikkel

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The Dirty, Deadly Side of China's Overseas Nickel Industry

Bloomberg Originals

Nickel is a critical component of the batteries that power electric cars, and Indonesia has become a global giant in producing the mineral.

But there is a dirty and sometimes deadly secret behind this success story.

Environmentalists accuse Indonesia's nickel industry of flouting regulations intended to protect ecologically sensitive islands, and fatal accidents at Chinese-owned mining facilities are not uncommon.

Bloomberg News looks into how a key part of the green transition is coming with such a high price.

Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in nikkel

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LME volumes hit 10-year high in second quarter, led by nickel

Futures and options average daily volumes on the London Metal Exchange (LME) hit a 10-year peak in the second quarter, jumping 27% year on year, the exchange said on Thursday.

Average daily volumes in the second quarter totalled 730,385 lots, its statement said.

The world’s oldest and largest market for industrial metals did not give a reason for the sharp rise, but copper volumes hit a record high in May on the back of speculative and fund buying.

Copper volumes were up 27%, but nickel led the way with a 77% surge in the quarter.

Nickel volumes have rebounded this year after languishing since a March 2022 price spike that caused the LME to suspend trading.

Total first-half average daily volumes on the exchange, which is owned by Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd, were up 29% year on year.

(By Eric Onstad; Editing by David Goodman)

https://www.mining.com/web/lme-volumes- ... by-nickel/
Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in nikkel

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We're still 'very optimistic' about nickel prices, says Nickel Industries

CNBC International TV

Justin Werner, managing director of Nickel Industries, discusses the outlook for the commodity.

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