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Beleggen in alcoholische dranken

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Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in alcoholische dranken

Bericht door nobody »

Amrut Distilleries secures five gold medals at International Spirits Challenge 2024

INDIA – Amrut Distilleries, the pioneering force behind Indian single malt whisky, has achieved an unprecedented milestone by winning five Gold medals at the prestigious International Spirits Challenge (ISC) 2024.

The competition, held in London, UK, showcased top-tier brands from across the globe, including Scottish, Irish, and Japanese single malts.

In its 29th edition, the ISC saw Amrut Distilleries emerge as a standout performer, setting a record for Indian distilleries by securing five Gold medals.

This remarkable achievement places Amrut at the forefront of Indian whisky on the international stage. The total international accolades for Amrut now exceed 350, a feat unmatched by any other Indian distiller.

Among the celebrated whiskies, Amrut Fusion shone brightly, earning a Gold medal and advancing to compete in the trophy category.

Fusion is praised for its rich and complex profile, having garnered several accolades and is often referred to as the “Crown Jewel” of Indian single malts. This recognition underscores the exceptional quality and artistry infused in every bottle.

Mr. Rakshit N Jagdale, Managing Director of Amrut Distilleries, expressed his pride in the distillery’s accomplishments. “These accolades highlight the distillery’s dedication to innovation and excellence in whisky production.

Our sustained efforts over the last two decades have borne fruit, as Amrut is being cherished and applauded across the globe. It is truly remarkable to witness not one but five whiskies from our portfolio bag the top honors, a testament to the unmatched diversity in our single malts.”

A senior leader at ISC commented on Amrut’s strong performance, stating, “Amrut Distilleries P Ltd have had a strong year in this year’s challenge, achieving five gold medals within its exclusive Indian whisky range.

The ISC was delighted to see such a positive result in the blind tasting, as receiving a gold medal is a fantastic achievement and a testament to the quality of the spirits entered.”

In addition to its success at the ISC, Amrut Distilleries recently unveiled two exclusive limited-edition whiskies tailored specifically for the Gurgaon market.

The two whiskies, Amrut Bagheera (46% finish) and Amrut Portonova (48% finish) are a reflection of meticulous research and craftsmanship, offering distinctive flavors and characteristics.

https://www.foodbusinessafrica.com/amru ... enge-2024/

Berichten: 3641
Lid geworden op: 10 jun 2022 16:51
Heeft bedankt: 3147 maal
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Re: Beleggen in alcoholische dranken

Bericht door NewB76 »

Als we kijken naar de koersevolutie van de grote alcohol-producenten , namelijk Diageo, Campari, Pernod Ricard en Remy Cointreau , naderen ze niet hun bodem ?
Of gaat hun omzet nooit meer groeien , en blijven we op dit niveau ?
Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in alcoholische dranken

Bericht door nobody »

In de ontwikkelingslanden hebben ze nog veel groeiruimte, in het westen zie ik dat niet meer .....

Maar ja, wie ben ik :roll: ?
Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in alcoholische dranken

Bericht door nobody »

Indri Whisky relaunches in UK through partnership with Mangrove Global

UK – Indri Whisky, produced by Piccadily, India’s largest independent malt spirits producer, is set to relaunch in the UK market through a new partnership with the renowned spirits distributor Mangrove Global.

Indri Whisky, originally launched in India in 2021 and internationally in August 2022, had a limited initial release in the UK through Whyte & Mackay.

The new distribution agreement will now bring Indri’s celebrated single malts, Dru and Trini, and limited volumes of the Diwali edition to UK consumers.

Indri’s flagship expression, Trini, is a unique blend that combines the influences of three different ex-casks: bourbon, French wine, and PX sherry.

This careful blending allows each cask to contribute its distinct characteristics, resulting in a whisky with a fruity, sweet, and nutty flavor profile.

On the other hand, Dru is a cask-strength expression matured in ex-Bourbon barrels, offering a complex and prolonged mixed-fruit finish.

Indri’s limited edition Diwali release, introduced in 2023, is crafted from peated six-row barley and matured in PX Sherry Casks. This edition earned a double gold award at the Whiskies of the World Awards the same year, further cementing Indri’s reputation for quality.

Managing Director of Mangrove Global, Nick Gillet expressed his excitement about the partnership. “The beauty of world whisky is the story that each spirit can tell as the authentic flavors of each terroir shine through.

These distinct expressions from Indri each offer something different to the drinker, but all will help to transport world whisky lovers to this unique part of the world,” he said.

Mangrove Global, founded in 2006 by John Coe and Nick Gillett and recently acquired by GBH in Martinique, is an established name in whisky distribution. Its extensive portfolio includes notable brands such as Israeli Milk & Honey, Stauning from Denmark, and Red Bank Canadian whisky, launched last month in the UK.

https://www.foodbusinessafrica.com/indr ... ve-global/

Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in alcoholische dranken

Bericht door nobody »

Mount Kenya Breweries hit with US$21.37M tax demand

KENYA – Mount Kenya Breweries (MKB) has faced a significant setback as a tribunal upheld a Ksh 2.79 billion (US$21.37M) tax demand against the company issued by the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA).

The five-member Tax Appeals Tribunal deemed the demand justified, emphasizing that the brewery’s non-declarations of full purchases were fraudulent and warranted an audit beyond the typical five-year limitation period.

The tribunal stated that MKB’s explanations for the non-declarations were inadequate. It noted, “The non-declarations by the company of the full purchases cannot be explained or justified and accordingly have to be construed as fraudulent to which the Commissioner was entitled to audit beyond the five-year limitation period.”

MKB, a manufacturer of products including Blue vodka, Chivalry brandy, Yala beer, and Sparkler spirits, challenged KRA’s assessment in March 2022. The investigations covered the period from 2015 to 2021.

MKB contested the assessment, arguing that some audits exceeded the five-year limit and that tax demands coincided with periods when a government multi-agency team shut the factory down.

The company also claimed that the additional tax assessments were based on incorrect ethanol purchase volumes. The brewery argued that KRA made unsubstantiated claims regarding massive ethanol purchases.

However, evidence presented to the tribunal showed that KRA issued additional tax assessments for excise tax, VAT, and income tax totaling Ksh 4.9 billion (US$37.53M), including penalties and interest.

MKB’s objections were rejected by KRA, confirming the principal taxes of Ksh 2.792 billion (US$21.39M).

KRA’s investigations revealed ethanol purchase data from MKB’s local suppliers, such as Agro-Chemicals Limited, Kibos Limited, and Mumias Sugar Company Limited, along with import data.

The reconciliations of these declarations indicated that MKB had under-declared its production by 9,683,280 litres.

Additionally, the tribunal acknowledged MKB’s claims of losses due to a 2017 fire that destroyed large quantities of excisable finished goods, raw materials, and other business assets.

However, it found that the brewery’s allegations regarding KRA’s flawed method—failing to consider excise duty rebates, breakages, spillages, and the fire incident—were not fully substantiated.

https://www.foodbusinessafrica.com/moun ... ax-demand/
Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in alcoholische dranken

Bericht door nobody »

Historisch slecht jaar Belgische bierbrouwers vanwege inflatie en personeelstekort

De Belgische bierbrouwers hebben een historisch slecht jaar achter de rug. Niet alleen dronken de Belgen minder gerstenat, ook de export is vorig jaar afgenomen.

De bierproducenten hadden veel last van de hoge inflatie, de stijgende loon- en energiekosten en het personeelstekort. Consumenten deden het verder rustiger aan met het drinken van bier, omdat ook in België de koopkracht van veel mensen onder druk staat.

Volgens branchevereniging Belgische Brouwers, met leden als AB InBev (onder andere Jupiler, Hoegaarden, Leffe en Stella Artois), Duvel en Grimbergen, zijn er afgelopen jaar 23 nieuwe brouwerijen bij gekomen. Maar daarnaast hebben 36 brouwerijen de deuren moeten sluiten.

Eind vorig jaar telde België 417 brouwerijen. In 2022 waren dat er nog 430.

In 2023 werd 6,5 miljoen hectoliter bier geconsumeerd in België, een daling van 5,8 procent ten opzichte van het jaar daarvoor. In het verleden konden de brouwers deze daling grotendeels opvangen via hun export. Maar het afgelopen jaar nam die voor het eerst in de geschiedenis af met bijna 7,5 procent.

https://www.nu.nl/economie/6316663/hist ... ekort.html
Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in alcoholische dranken

Bericht door nobody »

Haagse veiling van Russische wodkamerken goed voor 1,6 miljoen euro

Een veiling van de Benelux-rechten van achttien Russische wodkamerken, waaronder Stolichnaya en Moskovskaya, heeft 1,6 miljoen euro opgeleverd.

De veiling vond plaats in Den Haag omdat het bedrijf dat beslag liet leggen op de merkrechten in de Benelux, in Den Haag gevestigd was.

Dat gaat om de meerderheidsaandeelhouders van het voormalige Russische olieconcern Yukos. Zij hadden beslag gelegd op de merkrechten in de Benelux als onderdeel van de ruim 50 miljard dollar aan schadevergoeding die Rusland moet betalen voor de onteigening van Yukos in 2003.

Op de veiling in perscentrum Nieuwspoort in Den Haag begon het bieden bij 50.000 euro. Dat werd door drie partijen verhoogd tot een winnend eindbod van 1,6 miljoen euro.

Een eerdere veiling in december 2022 leverde voor de oud-aandeelhouders die zijn verenigd in GML Limited onvoldoende op, waarop het bod werd afgewezen. De Hoge Raad oordeelde eerder dit jaar nog dat die oud-aandeelhouders de merken terecht in handen hebben gekregen.

Yukos was een van de grootste olie- en gasmaatschappijen van Rusland. Het bedrijf werd begin deze eeuw genationaliseerd na de arrestatie en veroordeling van zijn eigenaar Mikhail Khodorkovsky, die wegens fraude en belastingontduiking achter de tralies verdween.

Critici vonden dat het proces tegen Khodorkovsky, die een bekende tegenstander was van de Russische president Vladimir Poetin, politiek gemotiveerd was.

https://www.nu.nl/economie/6317186/haag ... -euro.html

Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in alcoholische dranken

Bericht door nobody »

Pubs verdwijnen steeds meer uit straatbeeld in Engeland en Wales

Het gaat slecht met de pubs in Engeland en Wales. In de eerste drie maanden van dit jaar sloten elke maand tachtig pubs de deuren. Dat meldt persbureau Belga op basis van vastgoedadviseur Altus Group. Er verdwenen in totaal 239 pubs in de eerste maanden van 2024.

Pubs verdwijnen ook in een steeds sneller tempo. Begin vorig jaar sloten nog maandelijks zo'n vijftig pubs de deuren.

Cafébazen hebben last van onder meer de hoge kosten voor energie en voedsel. Ook hoge belastingen op horecazaken spelen mee.

Het gaat al langer niet goed met de Britse pubs. In 2022 stelde Altus Group dat het aantal pubs in Engeland en Wales was gedaald tot het laagste niveau ooit en voor het eerst onder de 40.000 kwam, 7.000 minder dan tien jaar eerder. Er zijn nu nog 39.162 pubs over in Engeland en Wales.

Vorig jaar kwamen de sluitingen volgens de BBC vooral doordat Britse jongeren minder zijn gaan drinken en alcohol veel goedkoper is bij supermarkten.

https://www.nu.nl/buitenland/6317128/pu ... wales.html
Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in alcoholische dranken

Bericht door nobody »

Serengeti Breweries Ltd appoints Henry Esiaba as Marketing and Innovations Director

TANZANIA – Serengeti Breweries limited (SBL), a leading beer and spirits company in Tanzania, has announced the appointment of Henry Esiaba as the new Marketing and Innovations Director.

Henry brings a wealth of experience, with a career spanning over 14 years in marketing and commercial functions across globally recognized brands.

He began his career at GlaxoSmithKline and later transitioned to Nestle in 2012, where he held various roles in sales, channel development, brand management, innovation, and consumer insight.

His leadership in developing and executing award-winning brand extensions and innovative consumer connection projects for renowned brands like Maggi, Nescafe, and Milo has been widely recognized.

According to SBL, Henry’s proven ability to drive sales, route-to-market strategies, consumer engagement & insight, and trade marketing excellence has significantly contributed to business objectives across different regions, including to the US, Canada, Central, and West Africa.

Earlier, SBL appointed Paul Deo Makanza as the Board Chairman effective 2 June 2024.

Paul is a seasoned seasoned business executive with extensive experience in the service and manufacturing sectors.

He began his career as a consultant at Coopers & Lybrand in Tanzania from 1992 to 1997 and then served as a senior consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers from 1998 to 2001.

Currently, he serves as Chairman of ABSA Bank Tanzania, Tanzania Cigarette Company, Tanzania Startup Association, and Confederation of Tanzania Industries.

He is also the Vice-Chairman of the Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC) and Tanzania Private Sector Foundation (TPSF) and a Board member of the East African Business Council.

Paul was also recently appointed as an Independent Non-Executive Director of East Africa Breweries Limited (EABL).

https://www.foodbusinessafrica.com/sere ... -director/
Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in alcoholische dranken

Bericht door nobody »

Emperor Beverages unveils Isiagu Café Liqueur in Nigeria

NIGERIA – Emperor Beverages Limited (EBL), a Nigeria-based beverage company, has expanded its portfolio with the launch of a new liquor brand, Isiagu Café Liqueur.

Uche-Onyenacho, EBL’s senior brand manager, highlighted the extensive research conducted among their target market in the South-East as the foundation for the new product.

She explained that Isiagu Café Liqueur is crafted to align with the preferences and expectations of the local consumers.

“This drink resonates with the dignity, unity, and love shared by Igbos; hence the tagline of ‘nmanya nwafor,’ which aptly describes all those attributes,” she stated.

Marketing Manager Gbemileke Lawal emphasized the unique flavor and experience that Isiagu Café Liqueur offers, noting that the liqueur is ideal for indulgence and can be enjoyed straight or as part of a cocktail, whether at bars and lounges or at home with friends and family.

According to Lawal, the brand will be available in 20cl and 75cl SKUs at modern trade outlets, supermarkets, open markets, bars, and lounges.

The launch of Isiagu Café Liqueur comes at a time when Nigeria’s alcoholic beverage consumption is projected to reach 16,000 metric tons by 2026.

Beer remains the most consumed alcoholic beverage with a 55 percent market share, followed by spirits at 30 percent and wine at 15 percent.

Meanwhile, the Nigerian House of Representatives and the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) have temporarily lifted the ban on the sale and consumption of sachet alcoholic beverages.

Philip Agbese, the House deputy spokesman, announced that the decision aims to alleviate economic pressures and will remain in effect until the economy improves. The initial ban was imposed due to concerns over drug abuse, particularly among young Nigerians.

https://www.foodbusinessafrica.com/empe ... n-nigeria/
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