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Beleggen in cacao

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Re: Beleggen in cacao

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Dit was een kwestie van tijd alleen een dergelijke top inschatten is bijna niet te doen.

Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in cacao

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Cacaoprijs stort door naderende regen opeens weer in na historische piek

De prijs van cacao is na een historische stijging in de afgelopen maanden opeens weer ingestort. De marktprijzen van de belangrijke grondstof van chocolade is in twee weken tijd met een derde gezakt.

Een van de oorzaken is regen in West-Afrika.

Twee weken geleden, op 19 april, bereikte de cacaoprijs nog een hoogtepunt van meer dan 12.000 dollar voor een ton. Een bizarre hoogte, want in de afgelopen decennia lagen prijzen niet boven de 4.000 dollar.

Zulke hoge cacaoprijzen leidden ook tot duurdere chocolade voor Nederlandse consumenten. Zelfs de paaschocolade in maart was fors duurder door de hoge cacaoprijzen.

De stijging van de marktprijzen kwam vooral door enkele misoogsten in Ivoorkust en Ghana, extreem weer en sluiting van enkele belangrijke fabrieken. De angst voor een langdurig gebrek aan cacao maakte dat de prijs voor lange termijncontracten maar bleef oplopen. Handelaren probeerden zoveel cacao als mogelijk binnen te halen en dat dreef de prijs ver op.

Regen biedt hoop voor oogsten

Nu zakt de angst voor een cacaogebrek weer wat in. Dat komt deels doordat er een periode van meer regen is aangebroken in de West-Afrikaanse cacaoproducerende landen. Ook hebben Ivoorkust en Ghana geprobeerd om de prijs die boeren krijgen te verhogen. Die zouden daardoor ook meer cacao produceren.

Maar het is vooral ook een bubbel die barst. Handelaren hebben volgens analisten mede door de geëxplodeerde cacaoprijzen aankopen wat uitgesteld. Hierdoor zakt de prijs weer wat in.

Dat was in de afgelopen weken al enigszins te zien. Maar in de afgelopen drie dagen ging er opeens meer dan 3.000 dollar van de marktprijs af. Inmiddels is de cacaoprijs "nog maar" 8.135 euro per ton. Dat is wel nog veel meer dan in de afgelopen jaren.

https://www.nu.nl/economie/6311370/caca ... -piek.html
Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in cacao

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Ivory Coast temporarily halts Fairtrade cocoa program amid fraud concerns

IVORY COAST– Ivory Coast has suspended the Fairtrade cocoa program amid suspicions of contamination with uncertified coffee beans.

The suspension follows suspiciously high volumes of Fairtrade-certified cocoa trading on Le Conseil du Cafe-Cacao, the Ivorian cocoa regulator’s platform.

This anomaly raised suspicions that the Fairtrade program was infiltrated with non-certified cocoa beans.

Fairtrade responded to the situation by acknowledging the concerns raised and emphasizing the importance of maintaining the integrity of the program.

Fairtrade released a statement saying, “For Fairtrade, the integrity of Fairtrade certified cocoa is essential. Hence, we support the ambition of the CCC to confirm the integrity of Fairtrade-certified cocoa and ensure that beans are traded properly.”

The suspension follows a surge in cocoa prices and shortages.

Extreme weather and disease exacerbated the shortages, significantly reducing the amount of cocoa available for sale.

The country sells its cocoa a year in advance through programs like Fairtrade, using price averages to set prices for the following year.

The market shocks resulted in a 50% increase in farmgate prices.

However, farmers have not benefitted from the surge in international cocoa prices because of local price regulation on the Ivory Coast.

The regulator suspects some cocoa cooperatives sold regular, non-certified cocoa, taking advantage of Fairtrade’s comparatively higher prices.

The shortage also means buyers are willing to pay more than the regulated prices for the commodity. These market dynamics created a perfect storm in the Ivorian coffee market and Fairtrade’s program.

The incident significantly taints Fairtrade’s credibility.

To access its premium prices, Fairtrade requires cooperatives to adhere to strict standards, such as eliminating child labor and deforestation, in addition to quality requirements.

It also shows cocoa farmers’ challenges in Ivory Coast and other African cocoa-producing countries despite increased cocoa prices.

The suspicion of fraud follows one of the worst cocoa harvests in decades. The country failed to deliver nearly half a million tons of pre-sold coffee.

Ivory Coast is the largest cocoa-producing country in the world, producing around 2.2 million metric tons annually.

https://www.foodbusinessafrica.com/ivor ... -concerns/
Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in cacao

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Hershey sales and income increase in Q1 2024 despite high cocoa prices

USA – Confectionary company Hershey Co., has reported a 36% increase in net income from US$587 million in Q1 2023 to US$797 million in Q1 2024 and an 8.9% increase in net sales from US$2.99 billion in Q1 2023 to US43.25 billion in Q1 2024.

Despite high cocoa prices, the company attributed the favorable performance to its investment and innovation strategy.

Michele G. Buck, Hershey Co.’s CEO, said, “Our investments in innovation, marketing, and in-store execution are driving consumer engagement and improving market share performance across segments.”

Hershey has also implemented an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that has helped improve efficiency.

The ERP system proved especially useful in North America, where net sales increased by 10% due to accelerated shipments.

Accelerated shipments caused higher inventory levels in North America, resulting in an 8—to 9 point volume increase in Q1 2024.

It also caused a volume increase of 6% in North America.

The ERP system also caused supply chain gains in Brazil, Asia, and Europe.

The high cocoa prices were primarily caused by a decline in West Africa in the 2023/2024 season.

International cocoa prices rose to over US$10,000 by mid-April, although they had fallen to around US$8,500 per ton by May 3.

The impact of high cocoa prices is expected to continue well into 2025.

The CEO has expressed optimism over the potential long-term impacts of sustained high cocoa prices.

Buck said, “Farmer prices have increased, enabling them to invest more in fertilizer, pesticides, and other techniques to improve yields.”

The rains currently experienced in West Africa should also increase yields and crop supply moving forward, which is expected to cause a market price adjustment.

However, Buck also cautioned against speculations about the future and the market, insisting the company should remain focused on implementing its 2024 and 2025 strategy.

Buck said, “While our 2025 planning is underway, it is premature to discuss potential financial scenarios or impacts, and for competitive reasons, we will not be discussing our hedging policies or pricing strategies.”

Although the company declined to describe its pricing strategy, it announced the launch of a new advertising campaign and new flavors of brands like SkinnyPop and Dot’s Pretzels.

https://www.foodbusinessafrica.com/hers ... oa-prices/

Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in cacao

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Viral disease CSSVD slashes cacao harvests by up to 50%

IVORY COAST—The rapidly spreading Cacao Swollen Shoot Virus Disease (CSSVD) threatens cacao harvests in cocoa-producing countries, slashing harvests by up to 50% in some areas.

The disease has particularly affected West Africa, alarming producers, chocolate companies, and other stakeholders. The region produces more than 50% of the world’s cocoa.

The current wave was first discovered in late 2023 in the Ivory Coast and quickly spread to other cocoa-producing areas in West Africa, prompting the research.

Small-scale farmers are particularly vulnerable to the disease, as their livelihoods depend almost entirely on the success of the crop.

However, the economic effects of the current wave extend beyond small-scale farmers.

In Ghana, the disease has resulted in up to 50% harvest losses.

The disease has also affected 11 out of 13 cocoa-producing regions on the Ivory Coast.

These losses have significantly impacted the cacao supply to many chocolate companies and have contributed to the recent surge in cocoa prices.

The disease and delayed rains in early 2024 are the primary causes of the price surge.

International cocoa prices rose to over US$10,000 in mid-April, a record high.

Through his publication titled, Cacao Sustainability: The Case of Cacao swollen-shoot virus co-infection, Benito Chen-Charpentier highlighted the severity of the current situation affecting the crop.

The virus, transmitted by mealybugs, attacks the vascular system of the crop, stunting growth and eventually causing death of the crop.

The use of pesticides to control mealybugs has proven ineffective, forcing many farmers to uproot infected crops and plant more resistant cacao varieties.

Some farmers have also opted to vaccinate trees, an expensive option for small-scale farmers.

Although the delayed rains have improved cocoa harvests somewhat, true price and market stabilization will only be seen when the virus’ spread is mitigated.

The publication revealed researchers are currently working on genetic markers to improve varieties.

The publication also reveals scientists are using mathematical modeling techniques to determine optimum spacing for affected and non-affected crops.

Although these spacing techniques are still in their experimental stages, results thus far are promising.

Although prices are predicted to stabilize from September, a collaborative effort is still needed between researchers, governments, farmers, producers, and chocolate companies to mitigate the problem.

https://www.foodbusinessafrica.com/vira ... -up-to-50/
Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in cacao

Bericht door nobody »

Blommer Chocolate extends partnership with Incredo Sugar, expands into Canada

CANADA- Bloomer Chocolate Company and Incredo Sugar have announced an extension of their partnership and plans to move into the Canadian market.

The two companies announced their partnership in 2019 through their joint Blommer’s Discovery product line.

The product line uses a sugar-based sugar reduction solution made by Incredo to meet the demand needs of a market segment that is conscious of its sugar intake.

The partnership markets the chocolate ingredients line as free from sugar alcohols and high-intensity sweeteners.

The Discovery product line has enjoyed significant growth since its launch- growing at a CAGR of 31% since 2019.

Numerous other brands have adopted the chocolate ingredient line in the frozen food, confectionary, and baking categories.

The move will introduce the low-sugar product line to the increasingly sugar-conscious Canadian market.

Kelly Thompson, Incredo CEO, said, “We are thrilled about the new opportunities the expanded Discovery product line will open up for food companies. With the Discovery product line, we’re not just meeting but exceeding the rising demand for reduced sugar options without compromise.”

“What’s more, our commitment to being free of sugar alcohols and artificial sweeteners ensures consumers can indulge in guilt-free treats, setting a new taste standard in reduced sugar chocolate indulgence.”

According to an IPSOS survey, 49% of Canadian adults meet the USDA sugar intake recommendation of below 10% of TEI.

The survey also revealed that a quarter of Canadians prefer a low-sugar chocolate snack over a conventional one.

In addition, the survey revealed that around 39% of Canadians are willing to purchase these low-sugar products. The survey and the culture in Canada show that this move would be very promising for the companies’ partnership.

FMCG Guru also reported that 54% of all consumers in North America will choose a low-sugar option when purchasing food and drinks.

Blommer has also announced plans to expand the Discovery product line beyond low sugar content.

The company announced the partnership is developing variations that address consumer trends like nutrient-dense product offerings and more affordable, better-for-you products.

These new product offerings are expected to be introduced at the Sweet & Snacks Expo in Indianapolis in the second half of 2024.

https://www.foodbusinessafrica.com/blom ... to-canada/
Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in cacao

Bericht door nobody »

Topman chocolademerk Ritter Sport verdedigt aanwezigheid in Rusland

De Duitse chocoladefabrikant Ritter Sport is nog altijd actief op de Russische markt, iets waar topman Andreas Ronken geen probleem in ziet. "Russische kinderen eten ook graag chocolade", zegt hij donderdag in een interview met het Duitse tijdschrift Focus.

Volgens Ronken wordt de oorlog tussen Rusland en Oekraïne niet beslecht door beperkingen op te leggen aan de handel in bijvoorbeeld chocolade.

Veel bedrijven hebben zich juist teruggetrokken uit Rusland nadat het land Oekraïne was binnengevallen. Maar Rusland is nog altijd de op een na grootste markt voor Ritter Sport.

Ronken meent dat het de juiste beslissing was om in Rusland actief te blijven. Hij wijst in het interview op de gevolgen die het vertrek zou hebben, waaronder tweehonderd ontslagen op het hoofdkantoor in het Duitse Waldenbuch.

Ritter Sport heeft wel aangekondigd te stoppen met extra investeringen in de Russische markt. Ook zou het bedrijf de winst uit het land doneren aan hulporganisaties.

https://www.nu.nl/economie/6314919/topm ... sland.html

Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in cacao

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La Chocolaterie owner launches US$1.6M chocolate factory in Cameroon

CAMEROON- La Chocolaterie owner Olivier Bourdais has launched the construction of a one billion FCFA (US$1.6 million) chocolate factory in Obala, a major cocoa-producing region set to increase high-quality chocolate production in Cameroon.

The factory will span 3,000 square meters and aims to produce high-quality ‘made in Cameroon’ chocolate for both the local and international markets.

The launch was attended by the Ministers of Agriculture and Commerce, who lauded the factory and its expected impact on job creation and the Cameroonian economy.

The move is part of Bordais’ effort to expand his company’s chocolate production capacity through consolidating the entire chocolate chain from production of cocoa beans to manufacturing chocolate products.

The new facility mirrors the 3,000 square meter factory opened in Saint-Thonan, France in March 2023. The Cameroon factory also boasts of an 800 square meter laboratory facility dedicated to producing chocolate treats and production of chocolate treats.

The factory hopes to leverage Obala’s cocoa production region. The factory’s proximity to cacao farms in the region is expected to provide a reliable supply of cocoa beans for the company, rivaling larger cocoa producers amid shortages.

The recent cocoa bean shortage has driven prices up and caused supply chain disruptions for many global chocolatiers. The shortage is attributed to extreme weather, disease, and climate change, which have also significantly reduced the quality of cocoa beans and chocolate produced.

La Chocolaterie’s new factory in Cameroon hopes to reduce inconsistencies in the cocoa bean supply chain experienced by its Saint-Thonan factory in France, which relies on brokers and contracted suppliers.

The new factory is expected to provide a direct market for cacao farmers, rivaling Nigerian and Cameroonian brokers who purchase cocoa beans from farmers at unfavorable prices.

Gabriel Mbaïrobe, Minister of Agriculture, said, “For a number of years, as the price of cocoa remained very low, many cocoa farmers abandoned their plantations or did not maintain them sufficiently, resulting in aging plantations and falling yields.”

“If we have our own local factories, like Nigeria, Ghana, and Ivory Coast, the prices of cocoa will increase further for farmers.”

https://www.foodbusinessafrica.com/la-c ... -cameroon/
Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in cacao

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Ghanaian government encouraged to grant tax exemptions to SME cocoa processors

GHANA— Various stakeholders in the Ghanaian cocoa sector have urged the government to offer tax incentives for SME cocoa processors to stimulate growth and improve returns to farmers.

Cocoa stakeholders shared these sentiments at a recent roundtable on tax regulation in the cocoa sector held in Accra. The stakeholders faulted the government’s handling of the sale and production of cocoa in the country, describing the current climate as punitive, promoting inequality to the detriment of small and medium-sized companies engaged in the sector.

The Ghanaian government was particularly blamed for the indirect taxes imposed on industry players. According to the stakeholders, these indirect taxes have a negative effect on prices, production, and overall growth of the cocoa sector.

Joseph Okyere Osei, Project Officer at SEND Ghana, said, “Even though cocoa farmers are tax exempted, some numerous indirect taxes such as production tax, valued added tax imposed on these companies, have dire consequences on them and are unable to thrive as compared to the free zones.”

“When it comes to value addition in the cocoa area, there are a lot of small companies that are coming up trying to enter that space, but because of numerous taxes, production tax, Value Added Tax, that are stamped on companies, they are not able to thrive.”

Act 1984 PNDCL 81 was also faulted for hindering SME cocoa processors from directly purchasing beans from farmers before value addition. The stakeholders revealed this regulation significantly stifles the farmers, making them less competitive in the local and international markets.

The Act established COCOBOD but also limited the cocoa farmer’s market to the board, with regulations and tax requirements discouraging the sale of cocoa beans to other players.

Osei particularly faulted the 35% import duty imposed on SME cocoa processors in Ghana for buying cocoa beans from brokers instead of COCOBOD. He described the import duty as punitive and disincentivizing to engage in the cocoa sector. A review would address the income gap experienced by farmers and a net positive effect on locally produced cocoa products.

The stakeholders encouraged the Ghanaian government to prioritize SME cocoa processors in terms of tax exemptions and deliberate policy regulations to enable them to compete with Ivory Coast and other international players to help them expand.

https://www.foodbusinessafrica.com/ghan ... rocessors/
Berichten: 14560
Lid geworden op: 09 mar 2022 13:32
Heeft bedankt: 1990 maal
Is bedankt: 2852 maal

Re: Beleggen in cacao

Bericht door nobody »

Ivory Coast to reform cocoa market, cutting out middlemen

IVORY COAST- Le Conseil du Cafe-Cacao (CCC), Ivory Coast’s cocoa regulator, has announced plans to reform the world’s largest cocoa producer’s domestic market within a year, which is intended to mitigate the influence of middlemen in the sector and overpayment through an intricate digital system.

The reform targets middlemen who act as buyers and scouts sourcing cocoa beans from farms and reselling to exporters.

It will build on the traceability and certification system currently deployed by the CCC. The system is expected to be operational at the start of the 2024/2025 season. The system will help mitigate the influence of middlemen in the cocoa sector through digitizing payments, making all sales and purchases directly between the farmer, domestic processors and exporters. However, priority will be given to domestic processors.

The move is expected to help the CCC reach its target of enabling domestic processors to grind at least half of all cocoa beans produced in the Ivory Coast.

The system is based on the farmers identification cards which will also double as payment cards. According to CCC, cocoa cooperatives are the only intermediaries that will actively participate in the system. The regulator has also revealed 580 out of 2,000 cooperatives have already participated in the system, together with 22 out of 100 exporters in the country.

The regulator has also identified 1 million farmers to actively participate in the system. The CCC has already issued 900,000special identification cards to these farmers.

Arsene Dadie, CCC’s Director of Domestic Marketing, said, “The intermediaries who collect the product to resell to other intermediaries will disappear because they will not benefit from this system.”

The reforms are expected to exclude intermediary buyers and scouts through strict compliance measures and restrictions.

Analysts interpret the reform as part of the regulator’s response to local processors who have complained of not being able to secure enough beans for local production. Although the CCC put quotas on the amount of beans multinational companies can buy, the current cocoa shortage has fueled smuggling and expanded the influence of middlemen who bought scarce cocoa beans at premium prices.

However, analysts have also warned the current restrictions could further exacerbate the current cocoa bean shortages.

https://www.foodbusinessafrica.com/ivor ... middlemen/
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